Sunday Edition

Making Men Newsletter #12

From the Editor

Happy Easter, and welcome back to another Sunday Edition of Making Men. I hope you’ve had a great week and have enjoyed this week’s dispatches from Making Men. Did you read the Self-Measuring Questions Regarding Character post? Did you think on them this week? I know I have.

Most posts on Making Men are of a serious nature, but don’t fret, as I have plans to include some lighter-toned pieces in the near future. As the old saying goes, “all work and no play makes yadda yadda yadda”. But probably not this week, as coming at you Tuesday will be a post about Paying Your Dues, and in Thursday’s post I’ll be sharing some thoughts on a matter that I don’t think most men give enough attention to.

And it’s a good time for these new posts to drop as this week we gained more new subscribers and additions to our growing community here at Making Men. I’m thrilled to see how Making Men is growing and want to thank all of you for continuing to spread the word. I’m also loving hearing from a lot of you after the posts drop. It’s great hearing your thoughts and reflections on them, so keep that up as well!

As for today’s post, I’m once again sharing with you links to articles on interesting topics. This way you have more interesting things to talk about when you find yourself engaged in good conversation. I’m also including a new quote I heard this week that I find inspiring, and hope you will too. It comes from a pro wrestling interview of all places.

With that, enjoy the quote and the links, and I’ll be back in your inbox on Tuesday.

- Mick

“The quickest path to failure is to put public opinion above your own convictions.”

- Arn Anderson -

Weekly Reading Links

And don’t forget to check out The ‘80s Weekly newsletter. It’s a very entertaining read every week.