Sunday Edition

Making Men Newsletter #9

From the Editor

Here we are at the beginning of a new week, and with the new week comes some changes. First, Making Men has added more new subscribers this week, and to you new folks, let me say ‘welcome’! I can see that a few of you found Making Men through several existing subscribers sharing news about Making Men on their social media channels and forwarding on Making Men Newsletter emails. So let me also say thank you to those of you who are helping to spread the word. I need all of the help I can get when it comes to putting the word out there about Making Men. I truly believe that a lot of men out there need to experience what we’re doing here, but before they can do that, they have to find it. So please keep helping spread the word.

The other change I want to mention is that Making Men has moved from Substack to BeeHiiv as our newsletter host of choice. I didn’t make the move because there is anything wrong with Substack necessarily, but BeeHiiv offers more features for building the newsletter that I think will allow me to provide a better experience for all of you. You’ll notice one instance of this below where I share the weekly reading links with you. Their presentation is much more eye-appealing now, and easier for me to share those links with you. You shouldn’t notice any change to how you receive the emails each week, as all subscriber email addresses have been migrated from the Substack platform to BeeHiiv, but if for some reason you notice anything wonky, reach out to me at [email protected].

With that said, I don’t want to take up any more of your time with behind-the-scenes stuff, so here is this week’s suggested reading list:

One thing that sets men apart from guys is that they have interesting things to talk about in conversational settings. One sure way to always be interesting to conversate with is to be well-read on a variety of topics. With that in mind, I’ll be presenting a curated selection of articles that you can read on a variety of fascinating subjects every week. Dig in, learn something new, and have more knowledge at the ready for your next conversation.

Let me take just a minute to introduce you to another newsletter that I think you should check out. It’s The 80s Weekly, and in it, Jason curates the absolute best 80s-centric content from around the web. He digs through all of the news, features, and blog posts so you don't have to, and only presents the cream of the crop of 80s content available each week and shares it with his subscribers. When I see it hit my inbox, I make a fresh cup of coffee and find a quiet place to sit, and immerse myself in all of its goodness. Consider checking it out.

And while I’m recommending newsletters, let me point your attention to Curious Peoples. If you enjoy these curated weekly reading links I share, then you’ll probably enjoy the Curious Peoples newsletter as well. It’s interesting stories delivered straight to your inbox.

“There’s always one more way to do things, and that’s your way, and you have the right to try it at least once.”

Waylon Jennings

I’ll be popping back into your inbox on Tuesday with a post looking at some unique job opportunities for young men, and what could be considered “side hustles” for you men who already have jobs and careers. Until then, enjoy your Sunday.