An Introduction to Making Men

Making Men Newsletter #1

Making Men. While that simple two-word phrase can be self-explanatory to some, others may be wondering just what this is all about. In short, Making Men is a free newsletter that will hopefully reach a new generation of young men, and help shape them into the men of the future. Now that's not to say that men of all ages won't enjoy it, just that I hope the next generation of men discover it and heed the advice found within.

Why is Making Men needed?

My name is Mick Lee, and I’m a father of two teenage daughters. And being a father of teenage daughters means you also become a surrogate father to a lot of other teens as they come over and spend a lot of time in and around your home. I see guys that these young ladies hang out with. I hear how they talk. I hear what they talk about. And I hear how my daughters and their friends talk about those guys.

Seeing and listening to these guys, it’s readily apparent that wearing a ball cap backward, dowsing yourself with cheap body spray, talking about video games and sports, and calling each other ‘bro’ a lot is what is considered ‘cool’ and 'manly' these days. It also seems that a lot of young guys strive to reach this level of manliness. So how is it that this new generation thinks this is the pinnacle? I wonder if it’s because they simply just don’t know any better.

I could look up and cite numerous stats about how many more kids grow up in broken homes these days with no fathers around, but I don’t think that is the right answer. Now for some, that certainly could be the answer, but I think the broader answer lies in modern technology. With all the information they think they will ever need right at their fingertips on a smartphone, why ask a real person for advice? When they get on Instagram and scroll through their friend’s feeds, what they see are people who look and act just like they do, so they think they’re doing just fine.

I believe the answer lies in the fact that they don’t have all of the influences in their lives to see what the differences are between just being a guy, and being a man.

So, if the digital world is where this new generation is turning for answers and advice, then there needs to be a voice in that digital world showing them the way. I hope to be that voice or one of those voices. You know how the old saying goes...something about taking a village to raise a child.

Who is Making Men for?

Hopefully, some of those ‘guys’ I described above stumble onto this Making Men newsletter and find an interest. But who I really think Making Men will have the most success in reaching are the young men out there who already know there is a difference between guys and men. Those who recognize that difference and have made the choice to not be just one of many guys, but to truly stand out as a man. I expect the core audience of Making Men will be young men between the ages of 14 and 24. But men of all ages should enjoy Making Men as well. I plan on packing this newsletter with all kinds of useful information, as well as featuring a lot of other content that we're about to get to. And ladies? I'm sure you'll find things about Making Men you enjoy too. If nothing else, you might gain some insight as to how a man's mind works, and be better prepared in dealing with men in the future. I don't necessarily want to give ladies an advantage over us men, but if it happens, it happens.

What to expect from Making Men.

In that effort to reach out to those young men who want to be more than just a guy, I plan on covering a whole host of subjects here. The foundation of Making Men will be writings on topics like:

  • dating

  • fashion and gear

  • exercise and self-care

  • how to carry yourself like a gentleman

  • how to be extraordinary and not just ordinary

  • money and finance

  • work and future careers

  • hobbies and leisure time

  • education

  • basic cooking

I'll also be featuring looks at various career fields to help young men get a look at what those fields are like. I’ll be sharing inspirational stories of men from the past to help inspire young men today. And since young men should be interesting to engage with in conversational settings there will be some recommended reading every week via curated links to interesting articles to help expand their conversational base.

As time goes on, we’ll add other things to keep everyone engaged, but here at the beginning, those are the things that I'll be focusing on.

You can expect one or two Making Men emails a week, and maybe an additional shoutout every once in a while.

Anything else I should know?

If you’re reading this, then you’ve obviously already discovered the newsletter. But what about everyone else? I could sure use your help spreading the word about Making Men. Again, there's that old saying about it taking a village to raise a child and all. I could also use the help of all you grown men out there in adding additional points of view in the comments of the newsletters. And ladies, you can help too by chiming in with the female perspective of what makes a man. So share this newsletter with your friends on social media. Forward the newsletter emails to others you think will enjoy it, and/or you think need to be reading it.

Thanks for taking the time to see what Making Men is all about. I hope you stick around and be part of this village.

- Mick Lee