Differences Between Men and Guys

Making Men Newsletter #19

As I’ve stated before, I decided to create and launch Making Men because I’ve been encountering way more “guys” in my world than “men”. In all fairness, a lot of these guys are still young and trying to figure out who they are, and where they fit into this world. They don’t yet know that there is a difference between being a guy and being a man. This newsletter in general is designed to help them know the differences and hopefully make them want to strive to be better. This post in particular is a short guide for them on just what the differences are between guys and men.

- Mick

Differences between Men and Guys

Men will take responsibility for their actions. Guys will make excuses for their actions.

Men will try to lift you up when you are down. Guys will kick you when you are down.

A man wants to please one woman. A guy wants 100 women to please him.

Men have the qualities of a gentleman. Guys have swag.

Men will walk beside you. Guys will walk twenty steps ahead of you.

A man has no issue with expressing his true feelings and showing emotion. A guy tries to hide them and act tough.

Men can recognize a woman’s worth. Guys don’t know a good woman when she is standing right in front of them.

Men tell the truth. Guys lie, cheat, and deceive.

A man sticks to his word. Guys break their promises.

A man doesn’t kiss and tell. A guy lets the whole world know who he’s been with on social media.

A man has a vision and sets goals. A guy can’t see past tomorrow.

A man will explain himself if he has a change of heart. A guy will just walk away.

A man will see what he wants and earn it. A guy will see what he wants and try to take it.

Men do what needs to be done. Guys do what they want to be done.

A man is confident in himself. A guy is cocky.

A man takes the time to reflect on who he wants to be. A guy has not yet established his moral compass.

A man will make a home. A guy will play house.

A man is protective. A guy is possessive.

Men dress up. Guys dress down.

A man has respect. A guy doesn’t truly know the meaning of that word.

Men act. Guys talk.

A man will read this and appreciate it. A guy will read this and be offended.

“ The real man is one who always finds excuses for others, but never excuses himself.”

- Henry Ward Beecher -